Google milestone – Value past $100 Billion

After the closing bell on Friday, however, their market value was down to $98 billion (still leaving them valued $20 billon more than HP--one of the oldest and most respected names in technology.
This is unbelievable when you consider that the company is so young and is earning money off other people’s information. Google earns $$$ every time someone clicks on an ad during a search.
Wow...if you believe the market valuation is fair, then we, the users, must be clicking on the ads a heck of a lot--and more so every quarter. In the last quarter (ending in September) Google’s profits rose a full 7x to $381.2 million. Google has nearly quadrupled in value since their initial IPO fourteen months ago.
The expectations are now higher than ever for Google, and we will just have to see if they will continue their strong growth.
Google’s leaders have searched for wealth (pun intended) and have found a perfect hit: co-founders Larry Page (32) and Sergey Brin (32) hold stakes worth $12 billion, while the CEO, Eric Schmidt is only worth $4.7 billion.
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